Sightline Media Group
Sightline Media Group is the leading news organization covering military, defense, public sector, federal technology, C4ISR, and cyber defense.
Problem: Design Magazines that are interesting to read, visually stimulating, and drive traffic to our larger platforms.
Lead editorial designer working directly with the creative director to design 9 publications a month. 4 of with are bi-weekly. Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Times, Air Force Times.
Solution: Working from templates offered a challenge of breaking from the mundane and trying new techniques that don’t violate the organization’s guidelines.
In my time with Sightline media, I artistically sought to display the men and women of the Armed Forces as diverse as possible.
For cover stories, I selected large images with a full bleed aesthetic over the spread. I wanted to pull the reader into a photo and connect them to the person or story they are reading about.
Editorial Specialist: Brandon-Mykal Rambus
Event Photographer
Programs: Photoshop, Lightroom, Indesign, Illustrator